Creative Response To Bullying

There are many types of bullying situations young people may find themselves in. Therefore our workshops address strategies for both bullying prevention and intervention. CRC’s holistic approach takes into account the needs of young people who suffer from bullying behavior, those who exhibit it, and bystanders, as well as issues of power-imbalance and bias.

We can customize workshops on preventing and interrupting bullying for teachers and students. Here are two presentations we often use in our Bullying Prevention and Intervention workshops: Definitions: Bullying, Cyberbullying and Homophobia and Cyberbullying Jeopardy game.

We also offer Bully Ban It, a curriculum and workshops that address bias and bullying directed towards lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQQ) youth. You can also check out Bully Proof, a curriculum created by Arthur Kanegis.